Restoring the Reis Timberlake house

Monday, June 04, 2007

More Yard Work!

We've been busy bees out in the yard, and the work keeps going on as long as the weather's nice like it has been.

After a weekend of working outside, I figured it was picture time. It's hard to capture in photos, but it's really quite pretty! We need a couple more garbage cans full of mulch to finish the mulching. Maybe tonight or tomorrow, if I can convince Brent :) He's currently digging a trench for another brick path, so I'm thinking he won't want to do mulch tonight.

Here we have a current status picture of the south side of the yard...

and another of the north side.

Now for some closeups. Roughly following from the bottom of the steps around the yard in a clockwise direction.
My Rhubarb has really taken off! It keeps getting new stalks and leaves and is looking extremely healthy!

These 2 elephant ears have come up nicely and put out some lovely leaves. There are 3 more that are just barely up now, so they'll be coming out with leaves soon too.

I just planted a bunch more ajuga after seeing how well these plants have taken on the task of filling in the bare ground. I read they're in the mint family so it makes sense that they'd spread well.

Speaking of Mint, here's a nice view of mine--all contained in a pot though. Mmm, mojito anyone?

The corn is looking a bit windblown. Who knows if it will manage to make ears of corn this year or not. We shall see!

The potato plants are thriving. The critters seem to be leaving them alone now, after a few early nibbles on a couple plants.

My lettuce looks awesome. I just thinned it, but it still looks a little crowded. They seem to spread out to take up as much space as possible.

Brent put in a new path from my car to the sidewalk a while ago, so I filled in around it with some pretty annuals. Mostly yellow snapdragons.

and another view

The petunias under the birdbath are loving their location since the birds are constantly splashing water out over them.

One of my Canna lilies is looking quite handsome. Seveal others are a few inches tall right now and should start sending out their large leaves soon.

I don't remember what this plant is, but I really love its purple leaves. They make me think of dragon scales with their almost iridescence.

I also took pictures of my berries (strawberry, raspberry, and blackberry), but they were blurry. There's 1 strawberry that is very nearly ripe and nothing has eaten it yet. I hid it under some leaves a little bit, so maybe it will make it til tomorrow when it should be ripe.

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At 6:12 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carrie Sue, I love your house and garden. Grandma sent me your link so I could see it.

Love Aunt Linda

At 9:44 PM, Blogger Carrie said...

Oh how nice of her to pass the link along, and thank you for taking a look! :)

We don't update here terribly often, because I'm sure you understand how long it can take to actually get around to doing all thos projects we plan.

I do try to keep the garden pictures updated fairly often though, since things change so fast.

Thanks for stopping by!

Btw--just found Bryan on Facebook and friended him there. Dan Martin too. The cousins are gathering ;)

At 1:04 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

That plant with the purple leaves is called Persian shield

Lovely plants, I love the elephant ears, I'm going to get some this year.



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